I didn't mention brain fog in the previous part. I presumed this was a symptom of lack of sleep rather than anything else but it's something I've experienced since I was at high school.
With a slight overlap - in mid-2012 I went to a doctor in Ipswich who diagnosed me as having sciatica. It was good to have a name for the condition. He was wrong but I had a name and that contented me as it meant it was something that could be treated. I was put on Amitriptyline, a drug when taken at low doses is used for neuropathic pain, it's also used in similar doses so I thought it would help with my sleeping. It did - I slept for 14 hours every day I took it. It didn't help with the pain - doses were increased in 10mg steps until it got to 50mg. I slept well, the pain wasn't controlled. When I returned to work (overseas) I wasn't able to get the medicine but I also realised I couldn't take the medicine and work at the same time so phased it out. The pain continued.
While some of my previous jobs hadn't gone well this job was a total car crash. I struggled with the short walk to work and was totally exhausted by the end of the working day. I lasted two months and then I had so many health problems I was off work more than I was there. In the end I resigned. I took a second job for weekends to earn some pocket money and even this was too much, I enjoyed the work, I liked the company - they wanted to hire me. I said no. I needed to return to the UK to be treated.
Back in the UK I was able to rest and recover for three months. I saw a doctor who prescribed cocodamol 7.5/500 but it didn't help. Nothing did. I applied to university, I was successful (see previous posting). In September I saw a doctor in Aberystwyth who felt something more was wrong, I was given an appointment for an x-ray and given an ECG - both were clear. He prescribed 15/500 cocodamol.
During my placement the pain got so bad I had to stop. I saw a doctor, he gave me cocodamol 30/500. It didn't work. I stayed in Wrexham for just over a month again self-isolating in my room (with my Facebook and WhatsApp friends around, of course). The pain was so bad I could scream.
I haven't mentioned this before but since 2007 I had been having pains in my chest. I've mentioned it to doctors and they said if it comes and goes ignore it or take a painkiller. Thanks. This was pain that doubled me over, it was pain that made me hold back a scream. It was worst when I stood up for long periods and for some reason cinema seats made things worse. While in Wrexham in December 2013 I had gone to the cinema twice in three days. I was in a huge amount of exhaustion pain and this chest pain was at its worse. I called NHS Direct (111 hadn't been rolled out in Wales at this point). I was instructed to go to the Wrexham Maelor Hospital for the out of hours GP. He didn't know what the problem was so diagnosed chest pains and admitted me into the hospital. I was given a bed and drifted in and out of sleep - it was a transit ward for new admissions awaiting diagnosis. While resting the pain dissipated. I spoke to a surgeon who was looking after the ward and he diagnosed a condition called 'costochondritis' and advised me to look it up online for more information (when I was more awake) and to take Ibuprofen when I have problems and discharged me (offering the option of staying in the bed overnight but I decided to taxi home). A few days later I went to the cinema again and took Ibuprofen as prophylactic to prevent pain. I felt uncomfortable but was able to sit through the screening with no significant pain. Now I take Ibuprofen intermittently (my GP doesn't like me taking it regularly) and this pain is now under control.
But not the hip pain.
Upon returning to Ipswich I eventually registered with a GP in March. This was the start of my diagnosis and that will be my next posting.
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